Thursday 21 April 2016

Aligning With Spring Equinox Energies

We always want to make the best out of every opportunity that comes our way. As we enter this powerful time of the year, the spring equinox, we find that the wind is at our back, supporting us to make a fresh start. Many of us have spent the last few months cleansing away all the stuff—energies, old beliefs and programs—that no longer serve us. The way is clear now to step out and create something brand new!

Here are a few things you might consider:

Make a space for some alone time– One of the best spring strategies is meditation – or simply getting away and getting quiet because it creates more space between your thoughts and helps you to move from your messy mind stuff and become more centered and grounded. Even just 20 to 30 minutes a day will be very beneficial.

Examine and separate your emotions– The ability to manage multiple problems and maintain emotional control while solving each problem individually is a giant tool you can add to your bag. Don’t get bogged down in every little detail of every little problem and become overwhelmed. When you don’t get tangled in emotions, you can be grounded in logical problem solving

Choose to be more decisive – Indecisiveness clogs your mind. Stop being timid and trust in your own abilities. Become courageous and confident. Learn to make a decision and be fully responsible for the outcome.

Forgive yourself and others – Forgiveness is a learned experience that you do for yourself—not the one you forgive. Learn to release your enemies and move on. This frees you to have more joy in your life. Begin with yourself, then move on to everyone else. I like to add ‘whether I am aware of the person or not’, because all too often, we don’t even remember the grievances we are holding onto in our subconscious. Simply remember that we are all humans and make mistakes and errors in judgment.

Take time to have FUN– What brings a smile to your face? When was the last time you just did something for the sake of having fun? Make some time every day to enjoy life, laugh and smile. Again – this is for you, not anyone else. You deserve FUN!

Passion is a wonderful fuel. As you take time to listen to the inner voice of inspiration, allow your passion to help you to take the nuggets you receive and move them into manifestation in your outer world.

I’m a huge fan of journaling. When you ask the Universe to help you move forward and listen to the response you get, it helps to write it down so you don’t forget it! Writing engages your conscious mind. Follow this up by reading what you wrote aloud—this will hook the other half of your brain into the equation, and will put more emphasis onto your thoughts.

Just like the spring rains and sunshine bring flowers into bloom, your thoughts are creative—plant them like seeds and watch to see what beauty will spring forth!

Jean Adrienne is the developer of InnerSpeak, a karmic clearing tool. Her InnerSpeak Cards are available on iTunes as a ap and as a card deck on amazon. Her website is htttp://

Tuesday 15 December 2015

Holiday Magic

The holiday season can be challenging. This year is no exception. Third dimensional reality displays unsettled feelings about the economy, terrorism, and political infighting around the next election. If we aren’t careful, we can easily get pulled into the drama. In fact, many of us on our path to higher consciousness unconsciously allow the thoughts of the masses to influence our emotions. How many times to you find yourself sad or depressed for no obvious reason?

This time of year should be a time of joy and a time of renewal. Almost every spiritual tradition supports this, but where is this joy? Are you having difficulty decorating your house or buying holiday gifts this year? There seems to be a pervasive sense of lethargy hanging in the air. Even the sales figures for Black Friday weren’t up to expectations.

Let’s use our thoughts to become the change! We can create a truly great experiment together. Set aside a moment to go within to that place where love resides inside you. Look in that safe place where you store your treasures, right behind your heart. This is where you find the joy that can light up this holiday season for you, and when you flip that switch, you send your light out into the world so that others can see it and remember the truth about why we are here. It can become a domino effect. When we remember that joy is a vibration it becomes easier to connect with and activate that within. When we forget that joy is a vibration, we tend to forget that we have a choice in creating it.

The real purpose behind this holiday season isn’t the giving of gifts or the fancy parties. It is the remembering and rebirthing of your own personal truth. Who you are really is light, a reflection of Spirit who shines through you.

You are both unique and powerful as the creator of your reality, and this season offers you the opportunity to use your personal gifts to do just that. The magic of this season lies in our ability to create JOY. As you remember the feelings of joy, they become contagious, and you are able to share them with others. As you share joy, it grows within you, multiplying the energy of it. Enjoy this grand experiment by taking a moment each day simply to become joy and observe how your joy spreads.

Jean Adrienne is the developer of the InnerSpeak Breakthrough Coaching Method. She’s an author, teacher and talk radio host.

Find out more at:

Sunday 6 December 2015

My Holiday Gift

During this time of year, many of our thoughts turn to gift giving—Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwaanza—we make our lists and choose our purchases carefully. This year I decided to focus on something different. I spend a lot of time writing, teaching and talking about looking within to find our answers and to connect with our power to create our reality. So this year I decided to give a gift to myself rather than giving to others.

It became an interesting challenge. I really don’t need anything material, because I basically have everything I need, in fact, lately I have been ridding myself of excess. Anything that hasn’t been worn or used in the last four years has been given away or sold, with the exception of a few family things that have particular meaning to me. I wanted my gift to be meaningful and special. I thought and thought about what this unique gift might be. Maybe a piece of jewelry…no, I already have too much jewelry. What about a something really huge like a new car? I just couldn’t justify that in this economy. I was really at a loss.

Some holiday music was playing on the radio, and as I sat half listening, half dozing, I heard “The Little Drummer Boy” and the verse where he decides to give the Christ child his drum. It occurred to me that the best, most appropriate present I could give myself might be to give away a part of myself to someone else. Remember the words of Jesus when he said, “What you do to the least of these, you do also to me.” Then I realized once again the true meaning of this holiday season. It doesn’t matter what religion you belong to or what philosophy you espouse, this is a universal truth. If you take the time, effort and love to do something for someone else, you give yourself a far greater gift than anything you could buy.

My gift to you is deep gratitude and love which knows no bounds.

For  more info :

Monday 2 November 2015

Where’s My Helmet?

The place where the battle for peace occurs is in our mind, not in the situations or people around us (where we generally assume it happens). The choice for peace is a moment by moment decision, and it is a choice.

When our mind is focused on our truth, the choice is easy, because there aren’t any distractions to pull us into the past, worry or fear. Therefore it’s really important to get clear on what that truth is. I talk a lot about core values—those things that are truly important to us. When you take the time to figure them out, you are led to your truth.

How can we keep our mind in one piece? By keeping it in one peace! This means protecting the mind from the outer influences that pull us out of our core values and into a fractured reality. Here are some examples:

focusing on the past opens the door to sadness, depression, beating yourself up over mistakes you made

worrying about the future allows you to go into fear and create things you really don’t want, rather than the ones you prefer

following the beliefs of others blindly steals your consciousness and can lead to feelings of being ‘less than’

Let your truth be your helmet of protection. Allow it to surround your mind and deflect everything that doesn’t resonate.

For more info:

Tuesday 27 October 2015

It’s An Inside Job

We have almost made it through one of the most powerful times in known history on our planet, and through all the hype about blood moons, eclipses, and mercury retrograde, on the surface it doesn’t appear that much has changed. Au contraire my friends! Much HAS changed. In case you haven’t noticed, our perspective has shifted. Those of us who have been on our paths for a while (and if you are reading this, that includes you) have taken notice of the opportunity for personal growth that recent energies have supported and released everything that wasn’t supporting our moving forward anymore. Not saying this has been easy, since we have been given ‘opportunities’ to test to see if we were

serious about doing this. I don’t know about you, but personally I have been radical with letting go. I just don’t want to miss a trick with this!

 What have I encountered? People wanting to push my buttons to make sure I am committed to stay in a neutral space among other things. I really enjoy the teachings of Matt Kahn, who says to just love what comes up, and Aleya Dao, who has taught me to activate the energy of what I want within my self.

My tips for you today? Breathe. We are poised to see a lot of positive growth and forward movement in the next few days. Keep focused on what you want in your life and ask the the energy of it be activated within you. In one of the most familiar quotes of the ‘new thought’ movement, Gandhi said, “Be the change you want to see in the world.” I believe he was telling us to hold the energy of what you desire in your center so that it can manifest in the outer world.

For more info:

Monday 14 September 2015


We are more powerful than we can imagine. This message has come to us from many sources, but most of us don’t believe this to be true. The difficulty has to do with the simplicity of the plan. For many lifetimes we have bought into a belief in struggle. Even today, fitness gurus teach “no pain/no gain”.

Everything is energy. That’s all. You are energy. The reason you incarnate on Planet Earth is to remember that and to learn how to manage what you are. In plainer words – to learn how to manipulate energy in order to create matter.

All that you are can be expressed in this way – Divine Thought. When you can remember this one concept, you will hold the ultimate key to manifestation. All the power of the Universes is contained within your heart and your mind – or more precisely within the mind of your heart. Therefore, with your thoughts, you can do anything, create anything, and transform anything. Everything that you see or perceive in your own particular reality is the product of your thoughts. And if you want to maximize your ability to create what you want in your life, you have to understand this. You have to BELIEVE this.

The energy frequency of creation is love, so according to the natural law of attraction, in order to attune yourself with your creative power, you must align with the frequency of love. You must love yourself at every level and in every way. This has been a hurdle for many because dogmas have told you that this was inappropriate – that focusing your attention on loving yourself was wrong, selfish. You have been taught that you were supposed to love others first – to place them in a greater place of importance than your hold yourself. Well guess what that did for you? When you believed that dictum is the point where you gave away your power to create. It was this shift in your energy away from your inherent power of love that has been documented in so many cultures as the fall from grace.

Everything you desire to change in your reality is possible through the energy of love. Rather than disliking the things you don’t want to see anymore—your irritating boss, your debt, your flabby thighs or any aspect of your body you deem to be in ill health—you must first love them. Fall deeply in love with them. Expand your heart center and allow it to communicate your love to your body, your bills and your boss. Love them totally and then decide what you would like to create. Would that be a completely new job, enough money to erase your debts, a younger or healthier body? Decide—commit fully to your decision and then love it.

In the past, where we have fallen short in efforts of manifest what we wanted was due to lack of commitment. When commitment wasn’t there, we didn’t really believe it was possible to have “it” (whatever it was). This was because we didn’t truly love ourselves enough to blow through old beliefs around deserving. If there is any doubt, you will not be able to materialize the energy of creation into the density of your dimension of reality. In plain English – you won’t be able to make it dense enough to be able to see it, even though you will have created it energetically. Therefore, if you catch yourself questioning whether or not something is going to happen for you, you can know for sure that you have fallen away from your commitment.

Jean Adrienne is the developer of the InnerSpeak Breakthrough Coaching Method. She’s an author, teacher and talk radio host. Find out more at

Wednesday 9 September 2015


I thought I WAS flexible! That is when the Universe decided to show me all the areas where I wasn’t. For several years I have dealt with knee pain and the inability of my right knee to bend past a ninety degree angle (can you say ‘inflexible’?) Over time I have tried many healing methods to correct this with little or no change.

Recently I was made aware of just how rigid I had become relative to schedules and my own timeframes when I was in charge of hosting a healer at my office. It seemed that every appointment was delayed, changed or conflicted, and I found myself getting more and more stressed, until the point where I just had to let it go. I gave up. In that moment I realized that each and every person got exactly what they needed when they needed it, and the only one who was stressing was ME. That’s when I realized the degree of inflexibility I had reached! In that moment, a physical change occurred in my body. While I still can’t bend my knee completely yet, I am now able to get it past that old ninety degree point. Who knows, maybe tomorrow I will be able to sit in the child pose and get back to my yoga practice!

Tied in with this lesson is the idea of complete surrender—I now call it ‘free-falling’. As I let go of my rigid thoughts about how things should be, I am freeing myself from the restraints I was placing on my reality and miracles are showing up, more and more every day!

For more info: